Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra

He has a ton of good lane matchups, scales well, good teamfighter, top tier split pusher. Quite a bit of room for 'outplay potential' with taunt + flash and maneuvering his sword and dodge field in fights. Build flexibility, can go full tank, titanic hydra + tank, or an additional dmg item like triforce/wits/bork into tank. And so, Dohnt has now decided to recapture the essence of the Titanic in the form of a much larger and functional 1:24 scale model. “This one will be an 11m long model with live steam engines.

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Nasus - Damage only build! 4000+ Damage on Q!

By | Updated on

Nasus wants CDR as early as possible to maximize his stacking potential. His Q already melts turrets, and you'd be speeding it up marginally considering the cooldown on Titanic. Arguably it could be better for shoving waves(in which case E + Q stacking is decent enough) but if you want AoE ravenous works better since it's lifesteal ontop of his Q. Edit 534+100 250+45 3.75+0.55 6.3+0.4 21+4 69+3.5 30+0.5 175% 325 525 0.694 36% (mod. 0.75) N/A +4% 65 100 35 900 +5% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +10% +0% +0% +0% Notes Kalista shares having an unusual basic attack windup modifier with a few other champions. See List of champions/Basic attacks for a list. Kalista also has the longest relative basic attack windup time of all.

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Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydrangeas

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Ability Order


This is more of a build, not a guide, so have some MATH!


This is more of a build, not a guide, so have some MATH!
(Note: numbers are approximate)
Attack Damage from items:
Runes and Masteries:
485 + 34 =

Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydraulic

Mastery Warlord - Increases bonus AD by 5%:
519 x 105% = 545
At level 18, Nasus has a base AD of about 113:
545 + 113 = 658
So Trinity Force's Spellblade's Damage would be:
658 x 200% = 1316
Plus you've got a 50% to deal CRITS!:

Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydration

Crit Damage: 1316 + (658 x 250%) = 2961
Let's say Nasus' Q has 200 stacks!:

Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydrangea

2961 + 200 = 3161
Q's base 110 Damage:
3161 + 110 = 3271
Don't forget your basic attack's normal damage with no abilities:
3271 + 658 = 3929
Mastery - Havoc: Increases damage dealt by 3%:
3929 x 103% = 4047
That's about a whuppin' 4000 DAMAGE
So you can go about and 1 hit their AD-Carry to halt the enemy team's damages (and don't forget you lifesteal 36% of that 4047 damage, which would be about 1457 health!), then 1 hit their AP-Mid so they'll stop Crowd-Controlling you which also gives you back all your health, then head over to the next possible squishy and 2 hit them, head to their tanks to 3 hit them, and go wreck their base!